Trauma and Trauma Recovery

It takes strength to be weak!

It takes strength to be weak to be vulnerable and open about areas where you’re lacking or hurting or maybe that’s just for me. I definitely have never liked needing anything from anyone. Because many person who had something to give lorded it over me or made me feel guilty. And I realized that life…

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The Hurt, the question, and the choice

The hurt, the question, and the choice There’s a part of me that feels a certain level of shame about my feelings that I will share today. Yet they are an honest reality, and look into the thoughts and inner workings of my mind. So what triggered today’s post: a beautiful miracle. A little boy…

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Struggle and Soar

Struggle and Soar Lately I have found myself fighting through the pain and frustration of disappointment. Struggling to figure out what God is doing with my life. I felt as though He keeps stretching and challenging me in all these areas but I wasn’t winning. I wasn’t seeing the victory on the other side. I…

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Excuse me while I love me

Excuse me while I love me  My sad truth is that I haven’t always loved me, Like a nagging parasite, I grew up with low self-esteem. I was the overweight daughter that though my mom said I was beautiful. All I could remember was my constant need for a bigger size. My toes like my…

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